PK’s are an extra additive that you can add to your base. They’re essentially a high concentration mix of phosphorus(P) and potassium(K) which is important in the flowering process. Phosphorus being important for the overall health of the plant (strengthens cell formation, vigour and nutrient uptake); and Potassium being essential for transporting water and nutrition, plant rigidity, density and hardening up. Whilst PK additives is not compulsory, it does help with the ripening and maturation process, and helps with the plant density at the end. PK’s give that boost or a spike towards the end of flower - so, you’re going to get higher yields, but also, larger flowers and larger fruits are produced. It’s a great product for high performance gardens, but certainly can be used for smaller setups.
As PK’s tend to be quite powerful boosters, don’t use them at a higher than recommended dosage. We recommend you go light at first to test the waters, then take it from there. Going even just a little bit overboard with PK’s may result in over-feeding, thus, affecting the overall health of your plants, can affect aromas and flavours, and can also lead to hermaphroditic seeding - not something you want as a result.
Canna’s PK 13-14 is suitable for all types of mediums and setups, except organics. Also suitable for both indoor or outdoor gardens, and PK’s are usually inter-changeable.
We stock the Canna PK 13-14 in the following sizes:
- 250ml bottles
- 1LT bottles
- 5LT bottles
See our full range of Canna products here